Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

Wouldn’t it be nice if society didn’t condition us to not help our fellow man? I mean, exactly what are we here for, if not to help each other? I think it’s a sad thing when people who can help, don’t. There are so many rich people in the world, and yes, they do contribute to charities and do do a lot of good… but it’s also a fact that they don’t help individuals who need help.

The reason for that, at least in part, is because society tells them, tells us all, “Don’t waste your money on that person, because they won’t use it the way it’s intended.” Well, there is a grain of truth in that statement, because there are those people who just want something for nothing and want to scam anyone they can out of their money… this is true.

But to say not to help someone just because the money might not be used as intended is like saying not to fall in love because your heart might get broken.

I believe that there are many people in the world who are deserving of help and would use a gift of money to turn their life around. They, in turn, would probably pay it forward as well, by helping someone else when they became able to.

I know there are bad people in the world, but I also believe there are more good people than bad. So why not take a chance on helping someone? And, if someone took a chance, and it ended other than desired, how bad would that be, truly?

I was just playing around with figures in my head, and I came up with this scenario: So if a person was rich and famous and making at least $6,000,000.00 a year, wouldn’t it be nice if they would just give $50,000.00 to someone in need, once a year? That would basically be pocket-change with an income like that.

If you put it in perspective, it would be like someone making $60,000.00 a year giving someone $50.00 a year. I know $50,000.00 sounds like a lot of money, but rich people buy all sorts of frivolous things for a lot more, so it would be nice to see someone use their money in a productive way that would positively impact the life of someone who truly needs it.

Years ago, I was living in Virginia, and sometimes on the weekend, my youngest son and I would go out to a park and go “treasure hunting” with my metal detector. It was on one such day that a homeless man came up to me and asked me for money for food. Now, I did think about it for a moment, but I decided to give him $5.00.

My reasoning was this: He might take that money and put it towards booze, or drugs… sure, he might do that. But he also might really be hungry and really use it for food. I didn’t want to go home and have trouble sleeping that night worrying that I might have deprived a man of a meal when I had the power to help him.

Then too, if I give that money in good faith, I have done my part. After that it is up to him to do his part. If he doesn’t use the money as intended, then that is his loss… but I could still feel good for at least trying to help him, because my intentions were honest and good.

I’ve said before that I like to help people, and how I wish I had the means to help as many as I could the way I dream about! And how I wish more people would break the chains that society puts on us and just do what feels right in their hearts!