This one will be short, because I simply don’t remember much about Jinx. She was the very first cat I can remember from my childhood, though, so I thought I would include her in my stories. I remember her as a tabby cat, gray with black stripes, and she would go in my mom and dad’s closet to sleep. It’s kinda funny, because my Dad didn’t like cats in the house, but Jinx was there, despite that. I think it was Jinx who accidently got run over by my dad. He was leaving for work one afternoon, and my Mom, me, and my brothers were all on the front porch. We saw the cat behind our car in the driveway, and we were motioning for my dad to stop… but he thought we were waving good-bye… and he backed over the cat. I know, it’s sad, but things happen that are beyond our control.